Friday, April 1, 2011

Maybe sometimes moms do know best?

So I had my birthday a few weeks ago.

It's not always easy to get older.  Actually, is it ever easy?

Anyway, been really trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.  There are so many things that I love and want to do, but will they be the right path?

My mom sent me this card and I have to say, it really hit home with me.  I have been wanting to start up a blog for a long time but I keep editing myself... even before I set up an account!  But now, maybe with this card to remind me, I can allow myself to start being more expressive again.

Perhaps this card will speak to some of you too.

P.S. I chose to use the original pictures of the card because I thought it might mean more than just typing out what the card said.  For copyright issues, however, I wanted to mention this is an expressions from Hallmark.  No other credit was given.  Hope that keeps me from being sued.